Temporary Nature
It sounds too good to be true: adding twice the area of Texel in nature, close to populated areas and perfect for strolling through. Yet, this dream is slowly but surely coming true. The main obstacle seems to be our 'green' legislation. On behalf of and in collaboration with InnovatieNetwerk, ARK and Bureau Stroming have developed the concept of Temporary Nature.
Many landowners appear willing to allow temporary nature development on their land, as long as they are assured that it will not hinder the development of the area. The report "Temporary Nature, Permanent Gain" shows the possibilities and how they can be implemented in practice. Bureau Stroming has translated this report into a policy guideline for Temporary Nature at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV).
From concept to practice
In recent years, pilots have been sought and supervised on behalf of the Ministry of LNV and InnovatieNetwerk. This has resulted in a lot of enthusiasm for temporary nature in ports, municipalities, and on developers' sites. This success seems to inspire more and more parties to choose a temporary nature.
Also in Flanders
Together with Tactebel, Stroming mapped out the opportunities for Temporary Nature in Flanders on behalf of the Agency for Nature and Forests. These opportunities were abundant, and eventually, the instrument was introduced in Flanders in early 2018. The conditions are similar to those in the Netherlands, although there are some differences. For example, in Flanders, protected vegetation can also fall under Temporary Nature.
Foundation Temporary Nature
In 2016, the Foundation Temporary Nature was established. In this foundation, LandschappenNL, De Vlinderstichting, Port of Amsterdam, and other parties work together to expand the area with Temporary Nature. Stroming wrote a work plan for which funding was obtained and is involved as Program Coordinator in the implementation. Stroming also drafted the Code of Conduct for Temporary Nature with the help of RVO and on behalf of the foundation. This code has been approved, and you can register your area here.
10 years, 50 terrains, 3800 ha
At the end of 2019, the status was assessed in the report "10 years of Temporary Nature"; Temporary Nature has been applied on over 50 sites covering almost 3800 hectares. Ecological studies show that the concept works, and users are satisfied.