SpongeBoost Launched
SpongeBoost launched The EU Horizon project "SpongeBoost" has kicked off with a meeting in Leipzig. The project has a duration of four years.
A consortium of 10 partners from 7 European countries will work on scaling up the natural sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems. Stroming will establish a 'state of the art' Pan-European database to make knowledge of projects and studies on the natural sponge function of the landscape available.
We look forward to collaborating with SpongeBoost partners!
More information about sponges can be found on the Natural sponges website of Wetlands International (in collaboration with Bureau Stroming). This has been made possible with EU LIFE funding.
Het EU Horizon project “SpongeBoost is van start gegaan met een kick-off meeting in Leipzig. Het project heeft een looptijd van vier jaar.